Bin gerade zufällig wieder über Chaoskultists Comicstripes gestolpert. Nachdem ich mittlerweile wieder in der Verfassung bin, mich einigermaßen zu artikulieren, möchte euch die Lacher nicht vorenthalten.
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...
Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Orkzä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn', dann gäwinn' wa.
Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn.
Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n, um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...
Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Orkzä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn', dann gäwinn' wa.
Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn.
Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n, um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!
Wäre doch ein schönes Profilbild für dich Birki ???
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...
Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Für Kenner und Genießer: achtet auf die Würgegeräusche im Hintergrund.
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...
Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Der Klip war auf einem Nurgleforum verlinkt. Ich habe selber muskelkater im Kiefer vor lauter Zähne zusammendrücken. Zum Glück gibt es keine Geruchsübertragung...
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...
Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."