Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

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Beiträge: 944
Registriert: Fr Mai 21, 2010 11:19
Realname: Andreas

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Khaine »

Ja Lords of war gehören jetzt zum standart, damit sind aber nicht alle superschweren und gigantischen sachen gemeint sondern nur die Einheiten die durch den jeweiligen Codex und/oder durch die Escalation Erweiterung als Lords of War definiert wurden. Wenn der neue Orcsecodex draußen ist werden wir ja sehen wie die neue Codexe aussehen (in bezug auf Formationen und Lords of War). Mit den hausregeln wird es dann so sein, dass wenn man Superschwer oder gigantisch spielen will das vorher mit seinem Gegner abklärt, genauso wenn man Formationen aus Apo spielen will.

"I do not serve... I RULE!"
-Settra the Imperishable

"Serve me in life, or serve me in death. The choice is yours."
-Vlad von Carstein

"We shall strike down our foes with sharp steel and cold hearts. The weak die so that the strong prevail and none shall be spared. Then only then will our enemies know the true meaning of fear."
- Malekith, The Witch King of Naggaroth
Beiträge: 755
Registriert: So Mär 07, 2010 18:07
Realname: Konstantin
Wohnort: Meckenbeuren

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von R.F. »

Das war schon klar, so ein Hierophant Biotitan oder ein Reaver in einem normalen 40k Spiel wäre dezent lächerlich :D.

So ein kleinerer Biotitan oder ein Harridan würde mich allerdings schon reizen muss ich sagen.
Der Tod, er stehet flüsternd hier,
Mein Ohr versteht nicht, doch im Herzen,
Tief drinnen, offenbart sich mir,
Es existiert nur Leid und Schmerzen.

Inschrift, übertragen von den Mauern von Cthelmax.
Beiträge: 1217
Registriert: Di Apr 08, 2008 12:31
Realname: Peter

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Buxe »

Ein Revenant Scout Titan oder ein Baneblade sind nicht weniger lächerlich...
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...

Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Beiträge: 755
Registriert: So Mär 07, 2010 18:07
Realname: Konstantin
Wohnort: Meckenbeuren

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von R.F. »

Naja so viel schlimmer als nen normalen Imperialen Ritter finde ich nen Baneblade z.B. nun wirklich nicht. Der hat ja noch nichtmal ne Titanenkillerwaffe. (Oder hat das Hauptgeschütz inzwischen andere Regeln?)

Mal abgesehen davon dass wenigstens das Tyraniden Line Up in dem Bereich alles andere als imba ist, der Hierodule Biotitan hat 6 LP bei Wiederstand 8 und einem 3+ Rüster, und das für lauschige 585 Punkte. Dafür bekäme man zwei Wraithknights.
Der Tod, er stehet flüsternd hier,
Mein Ohr versteht nicht, doch im Herzen,
Tief drinnen, offenbart sich mir,
Es existiert nur Leid und Schmerzen.

Inschrift, übertragen von den Mauern von Cthelmax.
Beiträge: 440
Registriert: Sa Mai 16, 2009 20:28
Realname: Markus Weber
Wohnort: Isny

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Symbiarch »

Daher macht die auch nuuuuuulllllllll sinn 8)
"Wenn alles andere fehlschlägt: Duck dich! Dies ist eine unzuverlässige Verteidigungsstrategie, aber für einen kurzen Moment ungeheuer beruhigend."

"Niemand ist Unschuldig, es gibt nur verschiedene grade der Schuld"


Beiträge: 755
Registriert: So Mär 07, 2010 18:07
Realname: Konstantin
Wohnort: Meckenbeuren

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von R.F. »

Der neue Ork Codex ist wohl da was man so hört!
Der Tod, er stehet flüsternd hier,
Mein Ohr versteht nicht, doch im Herzen,
Tief drinnen, offenbart sich mir,
Es existiert nur Leid und Schmerzen.

Inschrift, übertragen von den Mauern von Cthelmax.
Illuminatus regens
Beiträge: 2745
Registriert: Fr Mai 01, 2009 10:50
Realname: Johannes Oberdörfer
Wohnort: Biberach

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von joze »

auf Warseer hat einer sogar schon den Codex runtergeladen.
Was ich so gelesen habe ganz nett, aber muss mir selber ein Bild machen
Orkzä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn', dann gäwinn' wa.
Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn.
Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n, um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!

"Mosht se weg - Mosht se weg - Mosht se alle weg"
Illuminatus regens
Beiträge: 2745
Registriert: Fr Mai 01, 2009 10:50
Realname: Johannes Oberdörfer
Wohnort: Biberach

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von joze »

OK if this is taking it too far I'll remove.. but heres a summary [paraphrased here and there to condense] compiled from both warseer and dakka dakka. If im missing stuff please correct.. enjoy:

Alternate FOC
3 HQ, 9 Troop, 3 Heavy, 3 Fast, 3 Elite. Minimum is 1 HQ 3 TROOP.
This is OPTIONAL instead of the standard FOC, you can still use the core books one.

No Wazdakka, no Zogwort.

Snikkrot- doesn’t take a slot if taken with Kommandos.

Badrukk- 110 pts. 3+, 5++, str 7 AP2 assault 3 gun.

Grotsnik- Gives fearless, rampage and FNP.

Painboy- 50 pts, nob stats, urty/slugga. Confers FNP.

Weirdboy- only option is ml 2. +1 charge if there is at least 10 boys or orks with the ere we go rule nearby (this doesnt stack for multiples of 10). Cheaper, and his ml2 is also cheaper. Ork powers and Daemonology.

Frazzle (1 WC, primaris)
Ead Banger (1 WC)
Warpath (1 WC)
Da Jump (1 WC)
Kill Bolt (2 WC) 18 inch str 10 ap 2 beam
Power Vomit (2 WC) Str 7 AP2 template
Da Krusha (2 WC) Str 2D6 Large Blast, if you roll a over 10 you hit everything twice at str 10

Warboss- 60 pts. klaw and big choppa same cost. Boss pole allows a reroll on the mob table when you fail morale. Same statline, Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs. Can take 'eavy armour, mega armour, TL shoota and PK. May select items from: Ranged weapons list, Melee weapons list, Runts&Squigs list, Orky...

Big mek- gets access to mek gear (kmb, kms, kombis, rokkit, etc), or can take mega armour. Still has relic, shooting weapon, accessories etc access (full list), but can take a kill saw. Non mega big mek can take SAG or KFF (also has bike access in the know wots menu). Mega Mek can take KFF or
HQ Mek is literally the same as a mek in a unit, and must be put into an artillery or infantry unit before start of game.

A Big Mek with mega armour can take one of the following:
- Tellyport blasta
- Kustom force field

Nobz- 18 pts. Bikes in the Nob unit are +27 point upgrade. Nob Bikers are the same points as before (but nobs themselves cheaper), Eavy Armour got a point cheaper on the Nobz.

Manz- Kill saw is 10 points for the pair for mega nobz, replaces both weapons.
Waagh banner is 20 pts. Trukk or Battlewagon for the Mega Nobz. 40 pts/model.

Tank bustas- 65 pts. melta bombs, tank hunter, glory hogs- 2 vps for first blood on a tank, Tankhammer- str 8 AP3, unwieldy. 2 pt decrease/model. Bomb squig- Wargear, str 8 AP 4 can buy up to 3, works same as before, no risk to own unit. No longer have to shoot at nearest tank.

Burna boyz- 80 pts. Unchanged.

Kommandos- Price drop. move through cover, stealth and infiltrate, stikkbombs, no shootas. Can take 2 burnas as one of their special weapons, however they can only take 2 in a mob. May include Snikkrot (doesnt take a slot if taken with Kommandos otherwise HQ) (shrouded on arrival, you pick an edge to outflank dont roll) Snikrot causes fear.

Ork boyz – 60 pts. 6 pts each. +1 pt each for shootas. Units can pay for ‘eavy no longer restricted to 1 per army. One in 10 can take special weapon (Same but rokkit cheaper than it used to be). One model may be a Nob, may select from Ranged or Melee weapons list.

Gretchin- Runtherd comes with Grabba stick, can buy squig hound. If the unit breaks the hound causes D3 str 3 hits on the unit, and can then reroll the morale test.
Grot prod can exchange its attacks for a single double strength attack. AP -
Grabba reduces the enemies attacks by one
No special rules, at all

Stormboyz- For 30 points more than the old mob you get 30 Stormboys now (9 pts each). Jump Infantry, can run 2D6 instead of one but take dangerous terrain tests doing so. No longer blow themselves up.

Zagstruk- 65 pts. Slugga, choppa, eavy, stikkbombs, cybork, rokkit pack. 1 Less Wound, 1 Less Toughness than a Warboss. Hammer of wrath is str 8 AP2. Cant assault from deepstrike but is a HQ choice.

Deffkoptas- 30 pts each. both its gun changes are now free. Other points stay the same

Buggies- 25 points, upto 5, outflank. Skorcha same cost as before, trakk is a 5 point upgrade.

Warbikers- 18 pts, no exhaust save, get +1 cover if they turbo boost now, otherwise no improved cover at all.

Dakkajets and blitza bombas- maxed out burna bommer now costs 180pts with red paint job. A maxed out blitza-Bommer cost 140pts with red paint job.

Dakka jet guns now only fire one more shot than normal on a Waaagh, not everything twice.

Blitza Bombs: 2D6, on a 2 you crash, 3 you and your target take a str 9 AP 2, otherwise you hit, with 12 meaning you can shoot your guns aswell. (str 7 AP2, large blast armour bane, one use only).

Burna Bombs str 5 AP4 large blast ignore cover. Skorcha Missiles str 5 AP4 small blast ignores cover.

Looted wagon- (found in WD not codex). 37 pts. 3 weapon upgrades all 5 pts each. Killkannon 30 pts.

Battlewagon- 110 pts. Kill kannons 30 pts reduce capacity by 8. Deff Rolla 10 pts.

Big gunz-

Lootaz- 70 pts. Everything else same.

Killa Kans- got more expensive. 25% more expensive for the big shoota variant. Kans now panic when 25% have died, if they fail a roll they are all shaken due to the grots ******* out.

Deff Dread- 80 Points, comes with 2 big shootas, rokkits are a free exchange. KMB are +5 point Exchange. Riggers are 10 points confer IWND. For the price of an old Deff Dread with 2 x Rokkits you can get a new Deff Dred with 2 x Kustom Mega Blastas and Grot Riggers.

Flash gitz-

Gorka/Morkanaughts- arent assault vehicles and have no options to become one.

Trukk- 30 points. Ramshackle- changed, now when you take a penetrating hit roll a D6, on a 6 that hit is now downgraded to a glancing hit. Dedicated transports available for burnas and tank bustas now.

Wreckin ball is a 3 inch range str 9 ap 4 D3 weapon.

Boarding planks- +2" on the charge the turn you disembark from an open topped vehicle with a plank

Deff Rolla- 10 pts. D3 instead of D6 hits now AP 4.

Red paint Job- +1 inch to flat out moves.

Ghazkul- Same cost, is eternal warrior. His warlord trait makes boyz within 12 inches fearless in a waaagh. Only one waaagh per game unless you are running a specific formation (which ghaz isnt in, so irrelevant sorry)

Melee Weapons
Klaw- unchanged.
Kill Saws- armour bane.
Choppas- are just CCW.
big choppas- +2 str AP 5.

Ranged Weapons
twinlinked shootas and kombis

Runts & Squigs
surgical grot- reroll fnp
ammo runt- reroll shooting to hit
attack squig- reroll cc to hit
grot oiler-

Orky Know-wots
Bike- Painboy's and Warbosses bike is 25 pts, a nob's bike is 27 pts.
Cybork- fnp 6+
Boss pole- reroll chart result.
Gitfinda- BS 3 if stationary.
Waaagh banner- +1 WS.

Zapp gun- 2D6, gets hot on a 1-3 if you roll 11 or 12
KFF- price hasnt changed. KFF is 5++ if embarked than vehicle gets this INSTEAD, explicitly just shooting. KFF can be combined with mega armour and bikes.

Shock attack gun- seems to be combinable with bikes. Double 6 is vortex.

Teleporta Blasta- small blast str 8 ap2, on a 6 its insta death or insta pen.

Grot riggas- IWND (5 points on Kans, 10 on dreds)

Weapons arent exchanged for many of the options on characters, the warboss for example reads "May take items from the Ranged Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork list"
There are other bits that do exchange weapons (taking mega armour for example). Relics are one of each per army (but can take multiple different ones)

Da Ded Shiny Shoota - Assault 6 Shoota, twinlinked, rolls of 1 richochet into friendly units.

Lucky Stixx - Can choose to reroll failed hit, wound or saving throws, if 3 of these rerolls fail in a single turn the model is removed.

Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike – Bike, Assault 3, AP 3, Str 6 twinlinked shots.

Headwoppa’s Killchoppa - Str +2, AP5, rending, two handed, rolls of 6 are instant death.

Da Finkin Kap - Warlord gets a strategic trait along with his normal warlord trait.

Da Fixer Upperz - repair vehicles on 3+ (hull points, weapon destroyed or immobilised).

Shoot an enemy unit off the board, Kill the enemy warlord in a challenge with your warboss, destroy an enemy unit in your assault phase (more units gone, more points), Turbo boost 3 vehicles (or bike units), secure a random objective (roll a D6), Charge more than 10 inches.

D6 Warlord Trait
1 Prophet of the Waaagh!:
The Warlord gains the Waaagh! special rule. If the Warlord already has the Waaagh! special rule then, in addition to the usual effects, all friendly models with the ’Ere We Go! special rule gain the Fearless special rule when he calls a Waaagh!, until the start of their next turn.

2 Bellowing Tyrant:
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12" of him, re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests.

3 Like a Thunderbolt!:
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12" of him, can re-roll all the dice when determining Run moves or charge range.

4 Brutal but Kunnin’:
The Warlord can re-roll one failed To Hit or To Wound roll each turn.

5 Kunnin’ but Brutal:
The Warlord can re-roll one failed armour or invulnerable saving throw each turn.

6 Might is Right:
The Warlord receives +1 to the Strength characteristic on his profile.

Mob Rule Chart (name?):
D6 Result
If the unit is locked in combat, it passes the Morale check or Pinning test. If the unit is not locked in combat, it fails.

If the unit includes one or more Ork characters (including Independent Characters), it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test.

If the unit has 10 or more models, it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test. The hits are Randomly Allocated. If the unit has fewer than 10 models, it fails the Morale check or Pinning test.
Orkzä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn', dann gäwinn' wa.
Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn.
Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n, um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!

"Mosht se weg - Mosht se weg - Mosht se alle weg"
Beiträge: 1217
Registriert: Di Apr 08, 2008 12:31
Realname: Peter

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Buxe »

Falls jemand meinen sollte, dass die Psiphase in der 7. Edi zu stark geworden ist... ... chic-phase
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...

Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Beiträge: 944
Registriert: Fr Mai 21, 2010 11:19
Realname: Andreas

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Khaine »

Hier ein kleines Copy/Paste von den neuen Space Wolves Fliegern, Regeln plus bilder:
Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)

Twin-linked helfrost cannon
Twin-linked lascannon
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts
Ceramite Plating

Special Rules:
Assault Vehicle
Power of the Machine Spirit

Transport Capacity - sixteen models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull

Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)

Helfrost destructor
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts
Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts
Ceramite Plating

Special Rules:
Power of the Machine Spirit

Transport Capacity - six models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One at rear of the hull

Helfrost cannon
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost

Helfrost destructor
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance

Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play ... 281%29.jpg ... zwn8p6.jpg ... 281%29.jpg

"I do not serve... I RULE!"
-Settra the Imperishable

"Serve me in life, or serve me in death. The choice is yours."
-Vlad von Carstein

"We shall strike down our foes with sharp steel and cold hearts. The weak die so that the strong prevail and none shall be spared. Then only then will our enemies know the true meaning of fear."
- Malekith, The Witch King of Naggaroth
Beiträge: 755
Registriert: So Mär 07, 2010 18:07
Realname: Konstantin
Wohnort: Meckenbeuren

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von R.F. »

Ja, das sieht doch nach Space Wolves aus. Nehmen wir das was die normalen Marines haben und machen es BESSER!
Der Tod, er stehet flüsternd hier,
Mein Ohr versteht nicht, doch im Herzen,
Tief drinnen, offenbart sich mir,
Es existiert nur Leid und Schmerzen.

Inschrift, übertragen von den Mauern von Cthelmax.
Illuminatus regens
Beiträge: 2745
Registriert: Fr Mai 01, 2009 10:50
Realname: Johannes Oberdörfer
Wohnort: Biberach

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von joze »

205 pts. für son Ding??
Da wurde der Stormraven mal übel in den A**** gef****
Orkzä va'lier'n niemalz nich'. Wenn wa gäwinn', dann gäwinn' wa.
Wenn wa sterb'n, sind wa tot, also zählt dat nich' alz valorn.
Wenn wa abhau'n, könn' wa wiedakomm'n, um weitazumosch'n, also ha'm wa auch nich' valor'n, iz doch klar!

"Mosht se weg - Mosht se weg - Mosht se alle weg"
Beiträge: 1217
Registriert: Di Apr 08, 2008 12:31
Realname: Peter

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Buxe »

joze hat geschrieben:205 pts. für son Ding??
Da wurde der Stormraven mal übel in den A**** gef****
Und was wurden dann die DA-Flieger?!?!?!?!
Titans are Gods of War. Gods still require attendants. Therefore never let your God advance all alone, unless you really want to make it more of a fair fight, with the possiblity of your God falling to the unbelievers...

Also, the occasional use of punctuation and capitalisation makes all the difference between "i helped my uncle jack off a horse" and "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse."
Beiträge: 755
Registriert: So Mär 07, 2010 18:07
Realname: Konstantin
Wohnort: Meckenbeuren

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von R.F. »

Die sind in ihrem Gimpsuit mal garnicht erst aus ihrer Kiste rausgelassen worden.
Der Tod, er stehet flüsternd hier,
Mein Ohr versteht nicht, doch im Herzen,
Tief drinnen, offenbart sich mir,
Es existiert nur Leid und Schmerzen.

Inschrift, übertragen von den Mauern von Cthelmax.
Beiträge: 944
Registriert: Fr Mai 21, 2010 11:19
Realname: Andreas

Re: Gerüchteküche und allgemeines 40K-Geblabber

Beitrag von Khaine »

Hier ein kleines Copy/Paste von Warseer ( ... nformation)bezüglich des neuen Space Welpen Codex:

General Information about Codex: Space Wolves
Sagas are out, replaced with Warlord Traits
6 new Space Wolves Tactical Objectives
New Space Wolves Psychic Discipline: Tempestas (Source didn't get any actual rules though)

'Space Wolves Unleashed' Detachment FOC:
Identical to standard FOC, except may take up to 6 HQs
May re-roll Warlord Traits
Each unit joined by an Independent Character rolls a d6, on a 6+ that unit gains Outflank. Troops choices get +2 on this roll.

Great Company Formation:
1 Wolf Lord
1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader
1 unit of Wolf Guard
5 units of Grey Hunters
1 unit of Wolf Scouts
5 units chosen from [Blood Claws, Swiftclaws, or Skyclaws]
2 units of Long Fangs
Grants two special rules, source did not get them

Space Wolves Relics (Source didn't get rules, just name and type of item)
Armor of Russ (Armor)
Bite of Fenris (Bolter with two fire modes)
Black Death (Frost Axe, Rule: Whirldwind of Death)
Helm of Durfast (Wargear)
Fangsword of the Ice Wolf (Frost Sword)
Wulfenstone (Wargear)

Logan Grimnar - Lord of War - Points = Land Raider
Epic new model, comes with a sort of grav-chariot called 'Stormrider' pulled by two enormous Fenrisian wolves, but he can be used without it as well.
Stormrider - Points = Land Speeder + 20
Treated as a vehicle, didn't get AVs, has a 4+ Invulnerable save and cannot suffer Penetrating hits (all Pens are reduced to Glances).
Gives Logan 4 S5 Ap- attacks on a turn when he charges.
Logan loses Deep Strike if he takes Stormrider
Lots of other cool rules, but didn't get those.

Njal Stormcaller
No new model shown in codex
Looked to be mostly the same, no specific information

Ragnar Blackmane
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information

Ulrik the Slayer
No new model shown in codex
Also looked to be mostly the same, no specific information

Canis Wolfborn
Again, looked to be mostly the same, no specific information

Harald Deathwolf
The resin Thunderwolf Cavalry character model assigned a name
Didn't get the rules/stats.

Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Epic new plastic model, part of a box that makes a regular SW Venerable Dreadnought, Bjorn, or a new special character Dreadnought named 'Murderfang'.
No longer becomes a VP objective when he dies.

Wolf Lord
Mostly the same, no specific information.

Rune Priest
Mostly the same.
Specifically noted as starting at Mastery Level 2.
No other information.

Wolf Priest
Mostly the same, no specific information

Wolf Guard Battle Leader
Mostly the same, no specific information

Blood Claws Pack
12 points per model
Wolf Guard Leader upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information

Lukas the Trickster
No specific information, probably the same.

Grey Hunters Pack
14 points per model with a Bolter and Bolt Pistol
Any model may add a Close Combat Weapon for +2 points
One Special weapon per full five models still, but costs raised to same as C:SMs
Wolf Guard Upgrade available
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport
No other information

Not sure, but might have an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information

Murderfang - Points = Vindicator + 20
Crazy-awesome special character Venerable Dreadnought
Wolverine + Dreadnought + Extra Insanity = Murderfang
WS5 BS3 S6 F12 S12 R10 I4 A4 HP3
'Murderclaws' with underslung Storm Bolter and Heavy Flamer
Special Rules:
Furious Charge
It Will Not Die
May take a Drop Pod
'Murderclaws' - A pair of enormous, even for a Dreadnought, Lightning Claws made of 'alien ice that never melts or loses sharpness'
S7 AP2 - Melee, Master-Crafted, Shred, Specialist Weapon

Venerable Dreadnought
Definitely has an option for a Helfrost Cannon
Can also have an enormous Power Axe and Storm Shield, said to look incredible.
Some special rules, but didn't get them

Iron Priest
No new model shown in codex
Options appeared to be nearly identical to old codex, probably a couple points changes though
Can take a unit of 1-5 Servitors, rules also looked the same as old codex
No other information

Lone Wolf
Rules nearly identical to old codex, didn't get points cost
Owning player no longer gains a VP if they die
No other information

Wolf Guard Pack
This unit is just for Wolf Guard in Power Armor.
Same cost per model as before
Have a similarly wide array of options as in the old codex, couldn't get specifics though
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport

Wolf Guard Terminator Pack
What it says on the tin, Wolf Guard in TDA
33 points per model with Storm Bolter and Power Weapon base
Options (any model in the unit can take these, this isn't all of the options though):
Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield - 15 points
Pair of Wolf Claws - 15 points
Power Fist - 10 points
Frost Axe - 5 points
Frost Sword - 5 points
Combi-weapon - 5 points
Heavy Flamer - 10 points
Assault Cannon - 20 points
Cyclone Missile Launcher - 25 points
May take a Stormwolf as a Dedicated Transport

Arjac Rockfist
Mostly the same, no specific information

Wolf Scouts
Source totally forgot to look at them. Sorry guys.

Swiftclaw Pack
-5 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information

Skyclaw Assault Pack
-3 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information

Thunderwolf Cavalry
-10 points per model from old codex
Otherwise similar to old codex, no other information

As noted previously:
Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)

Twin-linked helfrost cannon
Twin-linked lascannon
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts
Ceramite Plating

Special Rules:
Assault Vehicle
Power of the Machine Spirit

Transport Capacity - sixteen models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull

Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30
BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)

Helfrost destructor
Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts
Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts
Ceramite Plating

Special Rules:
Power of the Machine Spirit

Transport Capacity - six models
Fire Points - none
Access Points - One at rear of the hull

Helfrost cannon
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost

Helfrost destructor
dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast
focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance

Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play

Land Speeder Squadron
Same as Codex: Space Marines

Fenrisian Wolf Pack
Nearly identical to old codex, no specific information

Long Fangs Pack
Couple of new options for squad leader, who is now called a 'Long Fang Ancient'
Source did not get if they had an option for Flakk Missiles
Might be able to take a Stormwolf/Stormfang as a Dedicated Transport, not sure about this though
Otherwise nearly identical to old codex, no other information

Same as Codex: Space Marines

Same as Codex: Space Marines

Same as Codex: Space Marines

Land Raider and variants
Same as Codex: Space Marines

Rhino and Razorback
No Helfrost Cannon option for the Razorback, same as Codex: Space Marines

Drop Pod
Same as Codex: Space Marines

Notable Exclusions from Codex: Space Marines
No Stormtalon
No Storm Raven
No Hunter or Stalker
Space Wolves AA options: Stormwolf, Stormfang, ADL gun emplacement, and Allies

"I do not serve... I RULE!"
-Settra the Imperishable

"Serve me in life, or serve me in death. The choice is yours."
-Vlad von Carstein

"We shall strike down our foes with sharp steel and cold hearts. The weak die so that the strong prevail and none shall be spared. Then only then will our enemies know the true meaning of fear."
- Malekith, The Witch King of Naggaroth